Thursday, December 2

Joseph and Mary

Last Sunday we studied a little about Joseph, Jesus' dad.  We learned that he was a man of character. 
- He was considerate. 
- He was obedient. 
- He followed the rules, even when it was hard. 
- But he knew when to break them - when an angel appeared in his dream and instructed him. 
- And he was a hard working carpenter.

We began to create stables of our own for a Christmas challenge.  We have a friendly competition for the most decorative and the tallest stables.  You'll be surprised at just how tall they are becoming!

This coming Sunday, we'll study about Mary.  We'll continue our creative challenge, with pictures to come.   And finally, if we have enough time, we'll play the escape game!  We hope you'll come join us!

Tuesday, September 14

A New Beginning

Welcome (or welcome back) to Kids Mosaic High Def (HD)!


The term High Def to refers to having a picture or image with a high degree of detail.


This week the new 4th and 5th graders looked in detail at Luke 10:38-42 – The interaction between Jesus and the sisters Mary & Martha. The kids looked at the passage the following way:

What? – the facts of the story

So What? – what it meant to the original audience

Now What? -   what does this mean for us in 2010


The kids discovered that the most important thing to Jesus was what Mary chose: being with him and listening to what he said.


We'd like to invite you to think about how this could be applied in your family and home this week. Ask you kids what we came up with as a group, and may we all choose what Jesus thinks is most important.

Wednesday, September 1

Coming to a close

This Sunday, we will celebrate a full year together.   From studies of Daniel to Paul, we've learned quite a bit.  Come for some fun and a slide show!  You may just be amazed by how much we've done in a single year!

Saturday, July 31

What do changing your name, blindness and bullies have in common?

Acts 9:1-19

Saul had a run in with Jesus.  Ananias had a vision.  They both traveled.  They met.  Ananias trusted Jesus.  Saul was healed.  Saul was baptized.

Sunday, July 11

Philip and the Ethiopian

Philip heard from an angel.  He stopped the chariot.  He heard the Ethiopian reading Isaiah.  The Ethiopian needed it explained.  Philip told him the good news.

The Ethiopian saw water.  Because he believed the good news, he wanted to be baptized.  Philip baptized him.  Philip was transported to share the good news with more people!

Now, if you'd like to get a head start, read chapter 9.  We'll study that in 2 weeks.

If you missed this week, you can see our torn paper art when you come back!

Sunday, June 13

Women of Faith Review Women of Faith Review Questions

During our review week, we gather details from previous lessons learned.  We try to remember as many details as we can.  Do you know the answers to these questions?
  1. In the story of Esther, who convinced the king to kill all of the Jews?
    a.    Henry
    b.   Harod
    c.    Mordecai
    d.   Haman
    2.   When Esther wanted to save the Jews, what did she ask her people to do? 
    a.    Run as fast as they can, as far away as possible
    b.   Hide
    c.     Go to war
    d.     Fast for 3 days and 3 night
    1. At the end of the story of Esther, who was killed? 
    a.     Esther
    b.     Mordecai
    c.     The Jews
    d.     Haman
    1. Boaz’s story is found on what book of the Bible?
      1. Ruth
      2. Boaz
      3. Judges
      4. Joshua
    2. What did Ruth do during the summer?
      1. Went on vacation with Naomi and sat under palm trees.
      2. Ran away from Naomi.
      3. Worked on the field – Boaz watched her work hard.
      4. Appeared before the men of the land.
    3. Boaz became the great grandfather of whom?
      1. Goliath
      2. Paul
      3. King David
      4. Esther
    4. Deborah’s story is found in which book of the bible?
    5. We find out that the Israelites have been doing evil things in the eyes of God, so He turns them over to King Jabin, a Canaanite king. Who is the commander of his army? 
    6. Deborah tells Barak that God has commanded him to go into battle against Sisera. Barak agrees to go, but on one condition. What is that condition? 
    7. How does Jael kill Sisera?
    8. Rahab knows that the God of Israel is the one true God, and believes that her land will be given over to the Israelites. The two spies promise that she and her family will be spared as long as they stay in her house and hang something from the window. What is that thing?
    9. Do the Israelites keep their promise to Rahab when they conquer Jericho?

    Monday, May 31

    The Palm of Deborah

    Choosing between 2 projects, here's a recreation of a large palm tree.  This is where Deborah could be found. The picture doesn't capture the detail of colors, but stop by and see for yourself!  Great job guys!  
    God went before the Israelites.  God told Barak to lead the Israelites down by the river, on level ground with the King's army.  It didn't make much sense.  But God caused the river to overflow, the horses got stuck in the mud and God confused Sisera's army!  When God goes before us, we can trust his word and follow.

    Saturday, May 29


    We'll build a tent. We'll witness what it's like to have an unfair advantage. And we'll learn that Sisera, leader of the king's army, died of a killer headache. God goes before us, we can have courage to follow! (Judges 4)

    Sunday, May 9

    You May Be Tempted! (The Lyrics)

    Verse 1:
    You may be tempted
    To yell at your brother
    But don’t, just don’t
    You may be tempted
    To steal from another
    But don’t, just don’t

    * Chorus:
    Beat temptation
    And God will bless you
    Don’t be misled
    Temptation will test you
    But when you feel like doing
    Something you know is wrong
    Just don’t, just don’t

    Verse 2:
    You may be tempted
    To lie to your teacher
    But don’t, just don’t
    It may seem easier
    To follow the leader
    But it won’t, it just won’t


    Insert kid-submitted lyrics for additional verses:
    - To slap your sister
    - The steal a big cookie
    - To touch the ballet pole
    - To punch your brother in the eye
    - To jump out a window
    - To ditch school

    Saturday, May 8

    You may be Tempted

    We have a review tomorrow! We've been studying the book of James - just the first chapter. So we have some fun activities to recap. And... we might just even have a super surprise! So come join us. C: See you bright and early!

    Friday, April 23

    James 1: 9-11. What should you be Proud of?

    What should we be Proud of?
    James 1:9-11
    Teachers: Sarah and Mark Silk
    Sunday 4-18-10

    9:30 – 9:50 – Outside Activity -
    9:50 – 10:00 – Review previous week’s teaching
    10:00 – 10:10 – Read the Passage for this week & Class Discuss
    10:10 – 10:30 – Activity – Discuss, Posters & Sharing
    10:30 – 10:40 – Now What
    10:40 – Donut Holes & to the BB Courts

    Review of previous week –
    Read last weeks passage – James 1:1-8
    Divide into groups – put passage in order.
    Come together and do in big words up in front

    When troubles come your way have joy!
    Why have joy with troubles? – makes us stronger in our faith
    If you need wisdom, who do we ask? - God
    Should we doubt? - No
    Why not? Because God promises to help us

    Have a student read James 1:9-11

    So What?
    The passage talks about poor and rich – what are other things, besides money, you can be rich in?
    - gifted athlete
    - talented artist
    - talented musician
    - do well in school
    - good at particular games
    Will these things get you into heaven?
    What is important to God? – to be in right relationship with Him
    How do we get into a right relationship with God?
    - it doesn’t matter whether we are poor or rich; talented at something or not
    - God loves us all the same; our talents and abilities don’t impact God’s love for us
    - being in right relationship with God is through asking forgiveness for our sins and asking Jesus into our hearts and lives

    What are things we should be doing if we are following God?
    - Praying
    - Reading the Bible
    - Using out talents to honor God
    - Our pride should be that we are God’s child, not in the abilities he has given us
    At the end of our lives – what is important about the talents and abilities God has given us?
    - our talents and gifts will fade away
    - how we used them to serve God is what is important
    How do we use our talents to serve God?
    - help others – tutor - school work, sports – help others get better, musician/artist – teach others
    - be kind to others; especially if you are talented at something – don’t make fun of or look down on others who aren’t as talented – but help them
    - share with others about God in the circles we interact with – other people who may not come to church or otherwise hear about God

    Activity –
    - Group Posters
    - Discuss some ideas to put on the poster
    - Illustrate ways we can honor or serve God and grow in our relationship with Him
    - Groups will share with the class

    Now What?
    - What are you going to do this week to grow in your relationship with God?
    o Pray
    o Read the Bible
    o Use your talents to help others – How?

    Tuesday, April 13

    James Challenge: Part 1

    We started a new series on the book of James.

    The author, James, was probably Jesus' little brother. And he wrote this letter to believers who were being persecuted (treated unfairly).

    Can you put these in order?
    - Faith tested
    - Troubles come
    - Perfect and complete
    - Endurance grows
    - Fully developed
    - Great joy

    (*Hint: We learned this on Sunday. Read James chapter 1)

    Sunday, March 28

    2 Criminals. Luke 23:32-46

    Luke 23: 32-46
      Two others, both criminals, were led out to be executed with him. When they came to a place called The Skull, they nailed him to the cross. And the criminals were also crucified – one on his right and one on his left.
      Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they don’t know what they are doing.” And the soldiers gambled for his clothes by throwing dice.
      The crowd watched and the leaders scoffed. “He saved others,” they said, “let him save himself if he is really God’s Messiah, the Chosen One.” The soldiers mocked him, too, by offering him a drink of sour wine. They called out to him, “If you are the King of the Jews, save yourself!” A sign was fastened to the cross above him with these words, “This is the King of the Jews.”

      One of the criminals hanging beside him scoffed, “So you’re the Messiah, are you? Prove it by saving yourself – and us, too, while you’re at it!”
      But the other criminal protested, “Don’t you fear God even when you have been sentenced to die? We deserve to die for our crimes, but this man hasn’t done anything wrong.” Then he said, “Jesus, remember me when you come into your Kingdom.”
      And Jesus replied, “I assure you, today you will be with me in paradise.”

      By this time it was noon, and darkness fell across the whole land until three o’clock. The light from the sun was gone. And suddenly, the curtain in the sanctuary of the Temple was torn down the middle. Then Jesus shouted, “Father, I entrust my spirit into your hands!” And with those words he breathed his last.

    It’s the very last hours of Jesus life.
    He’s walking to the mountain where the Romans are going to kill him.
    The place is called THE SKULL. Isn’t that a scary place to be walking to.
    Why do you think they called the place THE SKULL?

    Because they kill people there all the time.
    Golgotha = Aramaic name for place, means THE SKULL
    Aramaic, as a Semitic language, was a common language of the Eastern Mediterranean during and after the Neo-Assyrian, Neo-Babylonian, and Achaemenid Empires (722 BC – 330 BC).
    Calvary = English name for the place
    A number of alternative explanations have been given for the name:
    • The biblical gloss is erroneous and the Aramaic name is actually Gol Goatha, meaning mount of execution, possibly the same location as the Goatha mentioned in a Book of Jeremiah passage[7] describing the geography of Jerusalem[2]
    • The location was a place of public execution, and the name refers to abandoned skulls that would be found there[8]
    • The location was near a cemetery, and the name refers to the bones buried there.[2] In some Christian and Jewish traditions, the name refers to the location of the skull of Adam.[1]
    The roman soldiers nailed Jesus to the Cross.
    -          Nails through his wrists.
    -          Nails through his feet
    Crucifixion was a horrible, bloody, long, painful way to die. Not quick. Not easy.

    The two criminal were also crucified. One on his right and one on his left.
    Three crosses on the hill.

    Jesus prayed to his Father. “Father, forgive them, for they don’t know what they are doing.”
    What were the soldiers doing?
    They were killing Jesus. They knew that. What didn’t they know what they were doing?
    Killing God.
    Lost in their own little world. Looking out for what they could get out of the situation. Free clothes. They gambled each other to see who got Jesus clothes.
    Were they nice clothes?
    No. Jesus was getting beat up for hours in those clothes. They were sweaty and blood.
    Do you want those clothes?

    The crowd watched and leader scoffed. “He save others. Let him save himself if he’s really God’s Messiah. The chosen one.

    What is scoff?
    ·         v. scoffed, scoff·ing, scoffs
    ·         To mock at or treat with derision.
    ·         v.intr.
    ·         To show or express derision or scorn.
    ·         n.
    ·         An expression of derision or scorn.

    ·         [Middle English scoffen, from scof, mockery, probably of Scandinavian origin; akin to Danish skof, jest, teasing.]

    They were “making fun of” Jesus. When he’s tied up, nailed to the cross and dying. They were being mean to him at the very end of this life.
    Are you mean to people when they are desperate and about to die?
    No usually people are generous when someone is going to die. Give them a special meal. No. These guys cruel and mean.

    Roman soldiers are cruel too. They offer him sour wine to drink.
    What does “MOCK” mean?

    v. mocked, mock·ing, mocks
    1. To treat with ridicule or contempt; deride.
    a. To mimic, as in sport or derision. See Synonyms at ridicule.
    b. To imitate; counterfeit.
    3. To frustrate the hopes of; disappoint.

    King of the Jews.
    They’re making fun of all the Jews.
    This is their king and he’s pathetic. Sad. Helpless. Dying in a bad way.
    They post a sign that says “King of the Jews”. Everybody is making fun of Jesus as he dies.

    Then, the criminal scoff too. He makes fun of Jesus. “So, you’re the Messiah, are you? Prove it by saving yourself – and us too. While you’re at it.”
    What is Sarcasm?
    1. A cutting, often ironic remark intended to wound.
    2. A form of wit that is marked by the use of sarcastic language and is intended to make its victim the butt of contempt or ridicule.

    Criminal #1 sarcasm. He’s joking around in a mean way intending to hurt Jesus’ feelings even more. Witty, but mean.

    What is sincere?
    adj. sin·cer·er, sin·cer·est
    1. Not feigned or affected; genuine: sincere indignation.
    2. Being without hypocrisy or pretense; true: a sincere friend.

    Criminal #2 sincere. “Don’t you fear God even when you have been sentenced to die? We deserve to die for our crimes, but this man hasn’t done anything wrong.”
    He admits his own guilt. He’s ok with dying. He’s paying the price for doing a crime.
    What crime do you think he did?
    Killed somebody? Stole something?

    “Jesus, remember me when you come into your Kingdom”
    Criminal #2 believed that Jesus could save him after death. C#2 expected to die. He knew he was going to die. But, he wanted to be saved after death with Jesus. And go to heaven.

    What is innocent?
    1. Uncorrupted by evil, malice, or wrongdoing; sinless: an innocent child.
    a. Not guilty of a specific crime or offense; legally blameless: was innocent of all charges.
    b. Within, allowed by, or sanctioned by the law; lawful.

    C#2 knew Jesus was innocent. He didn’t commit a crime that was worthy of death. C#2 knew Jesus was dying because bad people were committing a crime. They were killing an innocent man.

    What is to forgive?
    v. for·gave, for·giv·en, for·giv·ing, for·gives
    1. To excuse for a fault or an offense; pardon.
    2. To renounce anger or resentment against.
    3. To absolve from payment of (a debt, for example).

    Jesus forgave the Jews and the Romans and Criminal #1.
    Jesus forgave criminal #2.

    What is paradise?
    1. often Paradise The Garden of Eden.
    2. Christianity
    a. The abode of righteous souls after death; heaven.
    b. An intermediate resting place for righteous souls awaiting the Resurrection.
    3. A place of ideal beauty or loveliness.
    4. A state of delight.
     “I assure you, today you will be with me in paradise”.

    Jesus died in the next few verses. He went to paradise.
    -          Place of ideal beauty and loveliness.
    -          State of delight

    ·         Help me love my neighbors.
    ·         Help me not to be sarcastic and mean to my friends, especially when they are hurt.
    ·         Let me forgive my friends, when they hurt me.
    ·         I trust Jesus forgave me and I look forward to being in paradise with Jesus after I die.

    KidsMosaic HD


    Luke 23: 32 – 46


    1.       The SKULL is found in your  ___________________________________.

    2.       The SKULL is made out of  ______________________________.

    3.       Golgotha means the SKULL in this language, ______________________________.

    4.       Calvary means the SKULL in this language, _________________________________.

    5.       Crucifixion is a way to ____________________________________ criminals.

    6.       How many criminals were crucified with Jesus? ____________________

    7.       Do you like free things? _____________________________________

    8.       Would you take free things from a dead guy? ___________________________________

    9.       Messiah mean “THE  ____________________________ ONE”.

    10.    SCOFF means “to make ___________________________ of”.

    11.    MOCK means “to treat with ______________________________”.

    12.    The sign said that Jesus was KING OF THE ________________________.

    13.    SARCASM means “cutting with words, often ironic, intent to _____________________”.

    14.    SINCERE means “being without hypocrisy or pretense, like a _____________________ friend”.

    15.    INNOCENT means “not ______________________ of a crime”.

    16.    FORGIVE means “ to ________________________ anger or resentment against”.

    17.    PARADISE is the ________________________ of righteous souls after __________________________.

    Monday, March 22

    KMHD FunDay

    we had a great picnic and funday on Sunday March 21.
    [if you took any pictures, please post them.]
    the Hernandez's brought a great volleyball net. 3 games. it was fun. maybe painful for a few newbies.
    met a few new faces: Hi Tracy and Barry!

    Madeleine played softball.
    Braden brought his frisbee.

    Silks brought a RC (remote control) airplane.
    Nat and Adrian, Nathan, Josh, Michaela skate boarded.
    Perfect. Perfect weather.

    Debbie led a quickie scavenger hunt. Winners had M&Ms.

    Moms and Dads chatted about raising babies and worried college and stuff.

    really day together. thanks, God.

    KidsMosaic Newletter - March


    Mosaic March 2010
    News From KidsMosaic
    Dear Parents,
    Hi from KidsMosaic! Here's our first email newsletter. We want to update you more frequently on what's going on in KidsMosaic. The more you know, the more you can get involved. Join God's movement through KidsMosaic together. Skip with us in your child's spiritual journey.
    March Missions:
    - Focus to missions. Teachers and missionaries share missions and overseas experiences.
    - Have you been somewhere cool? Come share your story with us. Bring Pictures. Contact Lee.

    Easter Sunday:
    - April 4th 9:30 Easter Gathering for KidsMosaic will be outdoors! The Canadian Easter bunny sighting guaranteed, eggs involved.  Bring a hat and sunscreen if hot.  There will be fun things to do after the gathering, whether you can stay afterwards for a few minutes or for many.  Invite your friends to celebrate with us.  Jesus is risen!
    KidsMosaic Family Fun Day:
    - March 21st Hang out with the KM HD families. Food and games.

    KidsMosaic HD Baptism:
    - April 18th 11:15am (following the 9:30 gathering)

    All KidsMosaic Family Lunch:- April 18th (following the 9:30 gathering)
    Fun and information!  Come eat together and hear about how we can live out our core values at KidsMosaic together by serving, camping, and maybe even illuminating!

    May 1st (Saturday) and 2nd Big Sunday:
    Los Angeles city-wide service days. KM digs in.

    KM Kampout:
    Join us for the most fun ever at our KidsMosaic Kampout in June.  We will be close enough to Los Angeles for families to join us for Saturday activities or for our Sunday gathering in the great outdoors.  This weekend will feed your soul, make memories, and be a great way to connect your friends and their children to God.  Dates and Location TBA by our April Newsletter.  

    - Helpers in KM needed.Contact Lee. Volunteer once a month, twice a month or even once every 8 weeks! Be a part of your kid's spiritual journey. Teach the kids. Play with us. As low key or upfront as you like. Invest in our kids!

    - Photographer needed: New pics of the kids needed. for newletters, print, online use. Contact Joe Wong .
    Easter Sunday, April 4
    You are invited to join us at one of our gatherings around the LA area on Easter Sunday! Go to  to find times and locations.
    Please invite your families and friends to join us this Spring and explore the opportunity to connect to community through the Mosaic Family. You can forward this email or share this email on facebook by clicking on the links in the footer below.
    KidsMosaic programming covers grade school from kindergarten to 5th grade and Includes the following 3 programs


    Special kinder only. smaller,
    separate class just for kinders. Singing, teaching, crafts, playing.


    1st to 3rd grade. Primetime kids
    program. Live Music. Small groups for teaching time, crafts, sports. Memory verses.

    KidsMosaic HD:

    4th and 5th grade program.
    Teaching times are more interactive and thought-provoking age appropriate discussions.

    KidsMosaic HD Blog
    Mosaic Podcast
    Mosaic Twitter
    Mosaic Facebook

Our Mailing List
    Meet Lee

    Stockburger Family Thank you to all parents who bring encouragement and concerns to the table.  We want to improve, so we love to hear from you and want you to feel heard! 
    Lee Stockburger moved to Los Angeles from the Great White North (Alberta, Canada).  She came to LA to be an intern with Mosaic's Protege program and to go to school for her Masters in Theological Studies.  She is married to Mark, who is a family doctor with the worst commute in LA (all the way back to Alberta).  Her three fantastic children are, Kate, 14, John, 12, and Sarah, 10, and they live in Atwater Village.  Lee has worked with kids and families all over the place, even Thailand and India.  
    If you have any questions about KidsMosaic, or any immediate needs or concerns we can help you with, please email or call Lee. 818-519-4835 (cell)          

    Wednesday, February 3

    Beauty in the sunset

    Over the Arco in SoPas

    Sunday, January 31

    Things to think about:

    Parents, can you guess what these have in common? (*Hint: Check out Philippians chapter 4 or see if your kids can help you figure it out!)
    1. Pants on Fire
    2. The Royal Crown
    3. Math Problem Corrections
    4. A Glass of Filtered Water
    5. A Beautiful Flower
    6. People (Parents/Teachers/Leaders)
    7. Waving arms/hands
    E-mail your answer to and have a great week!

    Saturday, January 16

    No Contest & Heaven

    The past couple weeks we've been studying a little bit in Revelations.

    Jesus looks a little differently than we're used to seeing him. But we learn about how powerful he is. There will be many fights between good and evil, but in the final battle Jesus wins.

    We learned a little more about heaven. But everything we could compare it with now, isn't a clear picture of what heaven will be.