Friday, April 23

James 1: 9-11. What should you be Proud of?

What should we be Proud of?
James 1:9-11
Teachers: Sarah and Mark Silk
Sunday 4-18-10

9:30 – 9:50 – Outside Activity -
9:50 – 10:00 – Review previous week’s teaching
10:00 – 10:10 – Read the Passage for this week & Class Discuss
10:10 – 10:30 – Activity – Discuss, Posters & Sharing
10:30 – 10:40 – Now What
10:40 – Donut Holes & to the BB Courts

Review of previous week –
Read last weeks passage – James 1:1-8
Divide into groups – put passage in order.
Come together and do in big words up in front

When troubles come your way have joy!
Why have joy with troubles? – makes us stronger in our faith
If you need wisdom, who do we ask? - God
Should we doubt? - No
Why not? Because God promises to help us

Have a student read James 1:9-11

So What?
The passage talks about poor and rich – what are other things, besides money, you can be rich in?
- gifted athlete
- talented artist
- talented musician
- do well in school
- good at particular games
Will these things get you into heaven?
What is important to God? – to be in right relationship with Him
How do we get into a right relationship with God?
- it doesn’t matter whether we are poor or rich; talented at something or not
- God loves us all the same; our talents and abilities don’t impact God’s love for us
- being in right relationship with God is through asking forgiveness for our sins and asking Jesus into our hearts and lives

What are things we should be doing if we are following God?
- Praying
- Reading the Bible
- Using out talents to honor God
- Our pride should be that we are God’s child, not in the abilities he has given us
At the end of our lives – what is important about the talents and abilities God has given us?
- our talents and gifts will fade away
- how we used them to serve God is what is important
How do we use our talents to serve God?
- help others – tutor - school work, sports – help others get better, musician/artist – teach others
- be kind to others; especially if you are talented at something – don’t make fun of or look down on others who aren’t as talented – but help them
- share with others about God in the circles we interact with – other people who may not come to church or otherwise hear about God

Activity –
- Group Posters
- Discuss some ideas to put on the poster
- Illustrate ways we can honor or serve God and grow in our relationship with Him
- Groups will share with the class

Now What?
- What are you going to do this week to grow in your relationship with God?
o Pray
o Read the Bible
o Use your talents to help others – How?

Tuesday, April 13

James Challenge: Part 1

We started a new series on the book of James.

The author, James, was probably Jesus' little brother. And he wrote this letter to believers who were being persecuted (treated unfairly).

Can you put these in order?
- Faith tested
- Troubles come
- Perfect and complete
- Endurance grows
- Fully developed
- Great joy

(*Hint: We learned this on Sunday. Read James chapter 1)