Monday, May 31

The Palm of Deborah

Choosing between 2 projects, here's a recreation of a large palm tree.  This is where Deborah could be found. The picture doesn't capture the detail of colors, but stop by and see for yourself!  Great job guys!  
God went before the Israelites.  God told Barak to lead the Israelites down by the river, on level ground with the King's army.  It didn't make much sense.  But God caused the river to overflow, the horses got stuck in the mud and God confused Sisera's army!  When God goes before us, we can trust his word and follow.

Saturday, May 29


We'll build a tent. We'll witness what it's like to have an unfair advantage. And we'll learn that Sisera, leader of the king's army, died of a killer headache. God goes before us, we can have courage to follow! (Judges 4)

Sunday, May 9

You May Be Tempted! (The Lyrics)

Verse 1:
You may be tempted
To yell at your brother
But don’t, just don’t
You may be tempted
To steal from another
But don’t, just don’t

* Chorus:
Beat temptation
And God will bless you
Don’t be misled
Temptation will test you
But when you feel like doing
Something you know is wrong
Just don’t, just don’t

Verse 2:
You may be tempted
To lie to your teacher
But don’t, just don’t
It may seem easier
To follow the leader
But it won’t, it just won’t


Insert kid-submitted lyrics for additional verses:
- To slap your sister
- The steal a big cookie
- To touch the ballet pole
- To punch your brother in the eye
- To jump out a window
- To ditch school

Saturday, May 8

You may be Tempted

We have a review tomorrow! We've been studying the book of James - just the first chapter. So we have some fun activities to recap. And... we might just even have a super surprise! So come join us. C: See you bright and early!