Thursday, December 2

Joseph and Mary

Last Sunday we studied a little about Joseph, Jesus' dad.  We learned that he was a man of character. 
- He was considerate. 
- He was obedient. 
- He followed the rules, even when it was hard. 
- But he knew when to break them - when an angel appeared in his dream and instructed him. 
- And he was a hard working carpenter.

We began to create stables of our own for a Christmas challenge.  We have a friendly competition for the most decorative and the tallest stables.  You'll be surprised at just how tall they are becoming!

This coming Sunday, we'll study about Mary.  We'll continue our creative challenge, with pictures to come.   And finally, if we have enough time, we'll play the escape game!  We hope you'll come join us!

Tuesday, September 14

A New Beginning

Welcome (or welcome back) to Kids Mosaic High Def (HD)!


The term High Def to refers to having a picture or image with a high degree of detail.


This week the new 4th and 5th graders looked in detail at Luke 10:38-42 – The interaction between Jesus and the sisters Mary & Martha. The kids looked at the passage the following way:

What? – the facts of the story

So What? – what it meant to the original audience

Now What? -   what does this mean for us in 2010


The kids discovered that the most important thing to Jesus was what Mary chose: being with him and listening to what he said.


We'd like to invite you to think about how this could be applied in your family and home this week. Ask you kids what we came up with as a group, and may we all choose what Jesus thinks is most important.

Wednesday, September 1

Coming to a close

This Sunday, we will celebrate a full year together.   From studies of Daniel to Paul, we've learned quite a bit.  Come for some fun and a slide show!  You may just be amazed by how much we've done in a single year!

Saturday, July 31

What do changing your name, blindness and bullies have in common?

Acts 9:1-19

Saul had a run in with Jesus.  Ananias had a vision.  They both traveled.  They met.  Ananias trusted Jesus.  Saul was healed.  Saul was baptized.

Sunday, July 11

Philip and the Ethiopian

Philip heard from an angel.  He stopped the chariot.  He heard the Ethiopian reading Isaiah.  The Ethiopian needed it explained.  Philip told him the good news.

The Ethiopian saw water.  Because he believed the good news, he wanted to be baptized.  Philip baptized him.  Philip was transported to share the good news with more people!

Now, if you'd like to get a head start, read chapter 9.  We'll study that in 2 weeks.

If you missed this week, you can see our torn paper art when you come back!

Sunday, June 13

Women of Faith Review Women of Faith Review Questions

During our review week, we gather details from previous lessons learned.  We try to remember as many details as we can.  Do you know the answers to these questions?
  1. In the story of Esther, who convinced the king to kill all of the Jews?
    a.    Henry
    b.   Harod
    c.    Mordecai
    d.   Haman
    2.   When Esther wanted to save the Jews, what did she ask her people to do? 
    a.    Run as fast as they can, as far away as possible
    b.   Hide
    c.     Go to war
    d.     Fast for 3 days and 3 night
    1. At the end of the story of Esther, who was killed? 
    a.     Esther
    b.     Mordecai
    c.     The Jews
    d.     Haman
    1. Boaz’s story is found on what book of the Bible?
      1. Ruth
      2. Boaz
      3. Judges
      4. Joshua
    2. What did Ruth do during the summer?
      1. Went on vacation with Naomi and sat under palm trees.
      2. Ran away from Naomi.
      3. Worked on the field – Boaz watched her work hard.
      4. Appeared before the men of the land.
    3. Boaz became the great grandfather of whom?
      1. Goliath
      2. Paul
      3. King David
      4. Esther
    4. Deborah’s story is found in which book of the bible?
    5. We find out that the Israelites have been doing evil things in the eyes of God, so He turns them over to King Jabin, a Canaanite king. Who is the commander of his army? 
    6. Deborah tells Barak that God has commanded him to go into battle against Sisera. Barak agrees to go, but on one condition. What is that condition? 
    7. How does Jael kill Sisera?
    8. Rahab knows that the God of Israel is the one true God, and believes that her land will be given over to the Israelites. The two spies promise that she and her family will be spared as long as they stay in her house and hang something from the window. What is that thing?
    9. Do the Israelites keep their promise to Rahab when they conquer Jericho?