Thursday, July 9

Reviewing the 7 churches of Revelations

Last week was our lesson on the last church of our series. We started with a spitting contest! No worries, it was only water and all outside.

This week, crack open your Bibles to Revelations 2 & 3. We're going to review! See what you can remember, find out what you missed. From writing your name in a rock to wearing a white shirt, see what they all have to do with you!

Monday, June 8

Thyatira, #4


For the past few weeks, we've been looking into the 7 churches found in Revelations chapter 2. This week, we read verses 18-29.

So What?

Here's a couple things we studied about the church of Thyatira and how it compared to the previous churches we've studied:

- Located near Pergamum (We studied that last week.)

- They were doing better than before, stronger in their faith = good! (Ephesus needed to return to their first love.) But this means that we need to keep growing in our faith (not just once in a while).

- Some people were allowing the evil teaching of Jezebel (They weren't actually accused of doing evil. But they just didn't do anything about it.) = not good. (Pergamum was accused of similar problems.) We have to speak up when something isn't right.

- Some people just needed to keep holding on until the end. (Smyrna was told they had to endure through 10 days of suffering!)

Iron rods vs. clay pots:

-Would you rather have power or suffering?

-Jesus has been given this authority by God to rule over all of us, and yet he’s saying that he’ll give himself to those who overcome the temptation to do what is wrong and follow him instead.

-The “morning star” refers to the second coming of Jesus. (Read 2 Peter 1:19)

Sunday, May 3

Gambling and washing of hands photos part 3

KMHD rendition of the soldiers gambling over Jesus' clothes and Pilate washing his hands photos part 3

Gambling and washing of hands photos part2

KMHD rendition of the soldiers gambling over Jesus' clothes and Pilate washing his hand

Gambling and washing hands photos

KMHD rendering of the soldiers gambling for Jesus' clothes and Pilate washing his hands.

Monday, March 16

Humble and Proud

Proverbs 15:33 Fear of the Lord teaches wisdom; humility precedes honor.
Honor – high respect, privilege, to be praised, to reward
Proverbs 16:18 Pride goes before destruction, and haughtiness before a fall.
Destruction – causing so much damage that it cannot be repaired

When you are proud, you will slowly become more and more full of yourself. You may not even realize it, but you will become further and further from people.

David was humble. He asked for forgiveness when he messed up. God honored the promise he made to David and Solomon inherited the kingdom.
But Solomon was proud. God took the kingdom away from his son.

Somethings to think about:
• a situation where someone has been honored because of their humility
• a situation where someone has fallen or faced destruction or punishment because of their pride.

Saturday, March 14

Word to the Wise - and the Foolish

1 Kings 3: 1-15
That night the LORD appeared to Solomon in a dream, and God said, “What do you want? Ask, and I will give it to you!”

Out of everything that Solomon could have asked for - a DS, his own room, a million dollars, Solomon asked for wisdom.

"God gave Solomon very great wisdom and understanding, and knowledge as vast as the sands of the seashore."

A proverb is a ________________.
A saying that describes an important truth in everyday terms
WHAT these particular proverbs, included in the Bible, are for:
• Teach people wisdom (common sense, good judgement) & discipline (instruction and training)
• Help understand insights of wise
• Teach people to live disciplined and successful lives
• Help people do what is right, just and fair
WHO these proverbs are for:

If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and he will give it to you. He will not rebuke you for asking. James 1:5

Sunday, February 22

A Man After God's Own Heart - The Song

So, if you missed us this week - here's what happened:
We created a picture time line of events in David's life.
Then before our monthly trivia game, we wrote a little rock song!
Here are the lyrics:

David was a God-fearing man
David had a God-given plan
to defeat the Philistines
and a giant named Goliath who was really mean
And all David had was a rock and a sling.

* And so we sing
a song about David who would be king.
David trusted God from the very start
He was a man after God's own heart.

David was pursued by Saul
who wanted him dead, and that's not all.
David had a chance to kill the king.
Saul went to the bathroom. That was David's opening.
But only Saul's robe was cut.
Only Saul's robe was cut. *

Tuesday, February 10

David's Dancing

We drew a comic strip about David dancing for God. He was king, but he knew that God was his king. We do things to worship God, even though it might look silly to other people.

Tuesday, January 27

Check out last week's review!

1) David's Anointing - Even though David was the youngest, Samuel
anointed him to be King one day.
2) David and Goliath - God prepared David to accomplish great things.
David defended God's honor by having courage.
3) David Spares Saul - On the toilet in a cave, David cuts off part
of Saul's robe. God's spirit led David.

Pictures posted!

Wednesday, January 14

Measured and Weighed

Goliath's Challenge: Goliath had been fighting ever since he was a
boy. He dared the Israelites to fight.
But Israel's whole army, even David's 3 oldest brothers, were chicken
(filled with fear/terrified).

David's Confidence: David's family were known to be the best sling-
shotters. David had been trained. He had killed a lion and bear.
David was the youngest, but the bravest.

David's Clothes: Try to run in clothes that are much too large.
It's difficult and really funny! Even though Goliath was covered in
armor (which weighed more than one of us), David didn't take any
extra armor.

David's Challenge:
He fought against Goliath so that the whole world would know that
there was a God in Israel.

We have big problems that make us feel small. But God is bigger than
them all.